
1. 前言

我們重視您的隱私,並至力於保護您的個人資訊。本隱私權政策說明我們在您使用本網站時如何收集、使用及分享資訊。本政策符合歐盟一般資料保護法規 (GDPR) 及美國法律的要求。

2. 我們收集的資訊

我們使用 Google AdSense 及 Google Analytics,這些服務通過 cookies 及類似技術收集您的裝置資訊、瀏覽行為及與網站的互動情況。

3. 我們如何使用您的資訊


4. Cookies

本網站使用 cookies 以支援 Google AdSense 及 Google Analytics。您可以通過瀏覽器設置來管理您的 cookie 偏好。

5. 資料處理的法律依據

根據 GDPR,我們基於正當利益處理您的資訊,以改進使用者體驗及提供相關廣告。對於美國的使用者,我們的做法符合相關州及聯邦法律,包括:

6. 您的權利

7. 聯絡資訊


Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share information when you use our website. This policy complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable U.S. laws.

2. Information We Collect

We use Google AdSense and Google Analytics, which collect certain information through cookies and similar technologies. This includes information about your device, browsing behavior, and interactions with our site.

3. How We Use Your Information

We use the collected information for legitimate interests such as improving our services, analyzing site traffic, and personalizing advertisements. We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties beyond our service providers.

4. Cookies

Our site uses cookies for Google AdSense and Google Analytics. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

5. Legal Basis for Processing

Under GDPR, we process your information based on our legitimate interests in improving user experience and providing relevant advertising. For users in the United States, our practices are aligned with applicable state and federal regulations, including:

6. Your Rights

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at jiebaostudio@gmail.com.